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Key of David Youth Academy

"Children are like arrows in the hand of a mighty warrior." 


We must:

 Poisition them

 Point them

Propel them

Sunday School


Our children are the heritage of the Lord. They are a gift to us and are on loan from the Lord. We will, one day, must give an account for our love, care and protection of our children.


Much can be learnt from children, as there innocence is a testimony to the Kingdom of God. We must forgive like a child, love freely like a child and trust openly like a child. Through our nursery, and hourly Sunday school classes, spiritual and gifted biblical teachings will nurture our children for the future.  


Our ministry believes and provides for our children to be :


  • Loved (with our words, deeds, and your time)

  • To be healthy (proper nutrition and access to urgent care)

  • Protected (no evil, hurt, or distress will be their experience)

  • Trained (in their specific gift and talent)


It is never too early to think about the future of our children. The greatest mistake is to allow them to simply grow, then attempt to train them beyond their formative years.


Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.

-Proverbs 22:6

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